Available courses

Web Output Essentials

This course is the theoretical training for the Peacemaker Consul training of the Women Democracy Network supported by UNWOMEN.  It teaches the basics of political leadership and communication and prepares you to establish yourself as a political leader. Based on this, the workshop starts with a debating club and a lot of practice either online, or at one of the offered locations.

The target group of this course are people who would like to get more politically involved in order to serve our society and to secure peace.

Estimated learning time: 8 Weeks, 1 hour per day
Level: Beginner

Win a Grant - How to develop winning application

You want to apply for a grant? Welcome! It means that you are passionate about developing. You see things that can be improved and have a vision of how to do it better. We can help your vision become a reality.

This course is training you throughout all necessary steps to develop the wining grants proposal: from how to design ideas, including prospect research, project planning, grant-writing stile, how to prepare the budget, application sub-mission and follow-up, as well as team and relationship building, and stewardship. It helps grant-seekers through each step of proposal idea development with questions and worksheets that will enable organizations to take an idea or concept from its inception to a fully fleshed-out proposal.

Don't rush, take it step by step, so you will have a solid foundation that will bring you success and make you feel lake a hero!hero

Teacher: Erica Zucec

Russisch für Deutschsprachige im Blended Format - A1.1

Der Kurs ist für Anfänger geeignet, die gerade anfangen, Russisch zu lernen. Er beginnt mit dem Alphabet und den Leseregeln und behandelt die grundlegende Grammatik und den Wortschatz, den Sie für die tägliche Konversation benötigen.

ℹ️ Der Kurs ist in einem Blended-Format gestaltet. Das bedeutet, dass die Theorie mit Hilfe von Lehrvideos, Leseartikeln und/oder Präsentationen vermittelt wird, während die persönlichen Treffen ausschließlich dazu dienen, Antworten auf die Fragen der Lernenden zu finden und umfangreich Kommunikationsfähigkeiten zu trainieren.

Curs de limbă rusă în format mixt pentru vorbitori de română - A1.1

Cursul este conceput pentru începători care doresc să învețe limba rusă. Începe cu alfabetul și regulile de citire, acoperă gramatica și vocabularul de bază necesar pentru conversațiile de zi cu zi.

ℹ️ Cursul este creat în format mixt. Înseamnă că partea teoretică este acoperită online de videoclipuri explicative, diverse teme, prezentări sau articole, în timp ce întâlnirile față în față sunt dedicate întrebărilor cursanților și practicării intensive a comunicării în limba rusă.

Educația sexuală

Educația Sexuală este o platformă interactivă și prietenoasă, concepută special pentru tine smile 

Aici abordăm cele mai complexe subiecte simplu și deschis. 

Accesează platforma pentru a afla informații și răspunsuri la cele mai intime subiecte cum ar fi: sexualitate și prima dragoste, relații și sentimente, infecții cu transmiterea sexuală și contracepție, violență sexuală și drepturi. 

Noi te ajutăm să devii o persoană responsabilă, sigură pe sine și capabilă să faci alegeri corecte smile

Concept & Content: Generation Z 
Interactive Education Video Production: MIT-Center.eu

Success Strategy for Businesses

Only when a company focuses on its own strengths and builds on them is it capable of top performance. In the 21st century, A linear business strategy based on the company history is no longer promising due to the growing competition, globalization and digitalization. With the German Success Strategy, you will get to know a concept that has helped many companies in the country of the world export champion to establish themselves as market or even world market leaders in a crisis-proof manner.
ℹ️ This course is designed in a blended format. This means that the theory is taught through instructional videos, reading articles, and/or presentations, while the face-to-face meetings are used exclusively to find answers to learners' questions and to practice extensively and to consolidate the knowledge.

Zend PHP Engineer Prepare Course

Prepare for the Zend Certified PHP Engineer exam with our comprehensive course. This industry-standard certification recognizes PHP competency and serves as a valuable credential for future employers. Join thousands of PHP practitioners who have obtained official certifications and elevate your PHP skills. This course is ideal for candidates aiming to work as Zend PHP engineers and learn server-side scripting using PHP for static or dynamic website creation and mobile app development. Boost your career prospects as a certified Zend engineer.

Moodle Architecture

In this course, you will explore and become familiar with the components that make up Moodle LMS. You will also get an opportunity to explore different parts of Moodle's codebase. Through a set of hands-on exercises, learners will create two Moodle plugins - a text filter and block - and learn how Moodle's permission and internationalisation systems work.

Estimated learning time: 3 hours
Level: Intermediate

Update Plugins to Moodle 4.0

This course will provide an overview of the new user experience introduced in Moodle 4.0. It will cover the relevant API changes that developers need to be aware of. Learners will get hands-on practice in updating some Moodle 3.x plugins to make them compatible with Moodle 4.0.

Estimated learning time: 3 hours
Level: Intermediate

Unit-Tests in Moodle

In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die verschiedenen Arten von Tests in Moodle kennen. Der Kurs behandelt Unit-Tests im Detail. Die Lernenden richten PHPUnit in ihrer lokalen Moodle-Entwicklungsumgebung ein und erstellen einen PHP-Unit-Test.

Dies ist der sechste Kurs des Programms Moodle Developer Basics.

Geschätzte Lernzeit: 2 Stunden
Niveau: Anfänger
Programme: Moodle Developer Basics

Barrierefreie Entwicklungspraktiken

In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die Normen für Barrierefreiheit kennen und verstehen, warum sie wichtig sind. Sie werden die besten Praktiken für die Barrierefreiheit in Moodle kennenlernen und die Moodle-API und -Funktionen nutzen, um barrierefreie Seiten in Ihren Plug-ins zu erstellen.

Dies ist der fünfte Kurs des Programms Moodle Developer Basics.

Voraussichtliche Kursdauer: 2 Stunden

Niveau: Beginner
Programs: Moodle Developer Basics

Grundlagen des Moodle-Zugangs und Sicherheit

In diesem Kurs befassen wir uns mit der Zugriffskontrolle und den Sicherheitsaspekten eines Plugins. Anhand einer Reihe von Übungen lernen Sie, wie Sie den Zugriff auf Ihr Plugin mit Hilfe der Moodle Access API kontrollieren können. Sie werden lernen, wie Sie Fähigkeiten in Ihrem Plugin definieren und wie Sie feststellen, ob der Benutzer die Berechtigung hat, auf eine Seite zuzugreifen. Dieser Kurs behandelt auch die üblichen Sicherheitsbedrohungen, denen sich Entwickler bewusst sein müssen.

Dies ist der vierte Kurs des Programms Moodle Developer Basics.

Geschätzte Lernzeit: 2 Stunden

Level: Beginner

Moodle’s Modular Architecture and APIs

In this course we take a deeper look at Moodle's modular architecture and explore the use of common Moodle APIs. Some of the APIs covered in this course include: Navigation, Forms, Database access, Upgrade, Strings and Output APIs. Learners get hands-on practise on using these APIs in the form of developing a local plugin.

This is the third course in the Moodle Developer Basics program. 

Estimated learning time: 3 hours
Level: Beginner

Web Output Essentials

 This course builds on the knowledge gained in the Moodle development environment course. In this course, we learn how to use Moodle's Page and Output APIs to display content in a local plugin. An introduction to localisation using language strings is also covered in this course. This is the second course in the Moodle developer pathway.

Estimated learning time: 2 hours
Level: Beginner

Set up your Moodle Development Environment

This is the first course in the Moodle Developer Basics program that step you through how to start developing with Moodle. Each course builds upon the next to create and extend the features of a simple plugin. Therefore, it is recommended you take these courses in order, but first, if you are new to Moodle, we recommend you start with our Introduction to Moodle course.

Estimated learning time: 3 hours
Level: Beginner

Labour Protection/ Protecția muncii

Prevenirea accidentelor și menținerea sănătății la locul de muncă nu sunt de o importanță fundamentală doar pentru lucrătorii înșiși, ci și în interesul angajatorilor, care trebuie să se aștepte la consecințe negative în cazul pierderii unui lucrător, care, în cele din urmă, implică costuri considerabile.

Moodle 4.0 for Admins

About this course

A short, self-paced course for administrators wanting to learn about the new features in Moodle 4.0.

This course relates to the following competence(s):

Estimated learning time: 2 hours
Level: Intermediate

Peace Ambassador

This course is the theoretical training of the leadership programme "Ambassadors for Peace", implemented by the Women's Democracy Network with the support of UN Women and funded by the Women's Fund for Peace and Humanitarian Assistance. The course teaches the basics of political leadership and prepares you to build yourself as a political leader. Building on this, the workshop starts with a debating club and lots of practice, either online or offline, in a Peace Hub or Peace Embassy.

The target group of this course are people who want to get politically involved in order to serve our society, to unite society, to ensure solidarity and peace.

Estimated learning time: 8 Weeks, 1 hour per day
Level: Beginner

Trainer: Erica Zucec